Assess the ability and effectiveness to implement the planned measures and to raise or maintain your operations within the prescribed timeframes.

“How and at what frequency do you assess your company’s actual ability to cope with a major incident, business interruption or crisis? »

Tests and exercises are a process of training, evaluation and performance improvement that identifies progress and/or shortcomings. It highlights the basic assumptions that should be reconsidered, ensures ownership of the tasks to be performed by the participants, improves the ability to work in teams and validates the efficiency and synchronicity of procedures.

We have the required experience in the implementation and development of test and exercise programs and training. During a test or exercise, we may also limit our participation to the role of facilitator and observer. We can help you plan and execute tests and exercises adapted to your reality and this, for all levels of intervention in your company.

If you already have a tests and exercises program and only want to revise it or only plan to run specific tests or exercises, we can help you achieve this goal.

Note: We recommend planning training and awareness sessions between exercises so that employees with roles and responsibilities can acquire and keep up to date the various knowledge required before testing them in role-plays (see the Training and Awareness section).

Industry best practices include several different types of tests and exercises that should be considered. Here are a few examples of tests and exercises we can perform for you, in whole or in part:

  • Emergency Communication and Mobilization Test
    Validate the ability to engage key people outside of regular business hours.
  • Tabletop exercise
    Review the content of plans, procedures and sequencing of actions using a scenario that evolves during the process (important for roles and responsibilities and group dynamics).
  • Practical Exercise for Emergency Preparedness Plan
    Validate specific response protocols and procedures and overall coordination (important for roles and responsibilities and group dynamics in an emergency).
  • Simulation” or “Functional” Exercises
    Validate the response and coordination capacities in a real-life situation (logical continuation of the tabletop exercises which also make it possible to determine whether the company has assigned the right people to the right roles, taking into account skills, personality and reactions).
  • Technology exercises (IT and OT Disaster Recovery Exercise)
    Validate procedures for computer, telephone, mobile and operational technology system recovery, which is essential for any business that cannot afford to operate without IT or OT (maintenance or recovery capabilities, impacts and consequences according to business needs, data integrity and loss).
  • “Speed Testing” exercise
    Interactively validate specific elements in the plans or knowledge of the managers through a short, intensive session, performed standing up and around a board (30 minutes maximum). This complements the tabletop exercises.